Custom Limestone Landscaping

Limestone is affordable, durable, and luxurious. That combination has made it an important building element in many famous projects, like The Pyramid of Giza and The Empire State Building.
If you’re wondering what that has to do with your yard, keep in mind that landscaping is broken into two important aspects: softscaping and hardscaping. Softscaping covers all of the plant life you can find in a yard, while hardscaping consists of everything other than that plant life (e.g. walls, gazebos, fences, walkways, retaining walls, etc.)
Below, we’ll discuss why limestone is one of our favorite materials to use for hardscaping. As well, we’ll discuss the custom limestone landscaping that we do for our clients.
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Limestone Uses
Limestone can have a variety of uses, and as we discuss in further detail below, we’re happy to explore unique uses for it in your yard.
However, it’s most commonly used for boulder walls or walkways.
It’s not hard to see why it’s a popular building material for boulder walls: it’s cheap enough to be bought in the quantity required for boulder walls. As well, it’s durable enough to make for a strong wall and elegant enough to catch the eyes of interested onlookers. Because limestone is taken from a quarry, it can easily be cut to your preference. This allows for more conformity than you would expect from many other types of stone.
Durability, conformity, and price all make limestone a good choice for a walkway as well. However, it has an additional advantage: it doesn’t have much quartz in it, which means it’s not a slippery material.
Limestone Maintenance
Given limestone’s durability, it requires less maintenance than most other materials used in hardscaping. This is especially true for vertical structures like walls, which are unlikely to get stained.
If the limestone is regularly exposed to human contact -- for instance, if you’re using limestone for your walkway -- you’ll want to ensure that it’s properly sealed.
Once you’ve done that, not much maintenance will be required. In fact, limestone can help the grass around it flourish. They do this by helping to balance the soil’s pH, which helps protect soil from toxins and harmful bacteria.
Looking for Custom Limestone Landscaping in Iowa?
At Ranger Landscape, we take landscape design seriously. We provide a variety of different landscaping services, and limestone is one of the most popular materials that we use to beautify your property.
If you already know how you want limestone to be used in your yard, you can let us know what you’re looking for. Then we’ll be able to give you a quote. If you’re not quite sure what kind of limestone landscaping you need, let us know your situation and we’ll make our recommendation.
Either way, we’ve been working with limestone for years. That means we’ve seen the various things it can do to beautify a yard.
If you’re interested in getting limestone landscaping in your yard, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (319) 573-3503.

25 Years Experience - Locally Owned & Operated - Licensed & Insured
About Ranger Landscape
As a full service landscape design and maintenance company we are committed to the belief that experience, hard work and competitive pricing will satisfy all your needs and exceed your expectations. We hope to hear from you and that you give us the opportunity to prove ourselves by providing the very best work and customer service possible.
Iowa State License #C132629